About Us

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We have years of experience caring for families from all walks of life. Each family comes to us because they know we are leaders in our profession, dedicated to excellence in service with the highest integrity. Though located in De Soto, we proudly serve families from all over Hillsboro, Festus, Herculaneum, and surrounding municipalities. Learn more about us and our traditions!

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Founded separately by J. Lee Mothershead and Donnell B. Dietrich in 1929 and 1930, the Mothershead and Dietrich Funeral Homes operated as friendly competitors on the same block in downtown De Soto, MO. After acquiring the Dietrich Funeral Home from his father, D. Fred Dietrich purchased the Mothershead Funeral Home on January 1, 1972. In 1974, the businesses were combined and moved to the Mothershead building at 220 N. Main St. Now known as the Dietrich-Mothershead Funeral Home, Inc., the firm was joined in 1987 by Jacob D. Dietrich, a licensed funeral director, and embalmer, becoming the third generation of the Dietrich family associated with the firm.

Beginning in 1989 and completed in 1991, the Dietrich-Mothershead Funeral Home was completely remodeled, and a spacious new chapel was added. The building is tastefully decorated using some of the antiques acquired by the Mothershead family but also includes updates, making the building accessible to all.

More About Us and Our Family

1993, Jacob D. Dietrich purchased the Woodlawn Cemetery and Century Monument Company from the James Norris family. Through the years, the Dietrich-Mothershead Funeral Home has remained a privately owned family firm dedicated to the highest standards of funeral service.

With this brief history please be assured of our continued commitment to you, your family, and our community.

Along with Jacob Dietrich, Bill Sternberg, and Shanna Sagehorn are the firm’s funeral directors. Kimberly Drummond is the office manager. Dale Hawkins serves as funeral assistant. Mike Boyer works to maintain the property.

Our professional staff is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assist you and your family with any questions or needs as they may arise.

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jake dietrich funeral director de soto mo

Jake Dietrich

Funeral Director

The third generation of the Dietrich family affiliated with the Funeral Home currently oversees the daily operation of the firm. Mr. Dietrich a licensed funeral director and embalmer began working at the firm in 1987. Mr. Dietrich is an active member of the Redeemer Lutheran Church in De Soto.

kim drummond funeral director de soto mo

Kim Drummond

Administrative Assistant

Responsible for the activities of the administrative office at the Funeral Home. Kim began working at this firm in May of 1994. Mrs. Drummond is very involved in the activities of the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church and a member of the Women's Auxiliary at the George A. Sutton Memorial VFW Post 1831.

bill sternberg funeral director de soto mo

Bill Sternberg

Funeral Director

Bill Sternberg has been working with the firm since August of 1996. Bill is a Missouri licensed funeral director and embalmer. Bill is a Veteran of the United States Air Force. A member of the Grace Presbyterian Church in Crystal City and a Life Member of the George A. Sutton Memorial VFW Post 1831.

shanna sagehorn-sikes funeral director de soto mo

Shanna Sagehorn

Funeral Director

A 2006 graduate of Southern Illinois University - Carbondale with a Bachelor Degree of Mortuary Science and Funeral Service. Shanna is a Missouri Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. Shanna is a member of BPOE and a member of the Hope United Church of Christ in De Soto.

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Funeral Director

Your loved one’s life should be honored in a way that would make them proud. Our team of caring, compassionate funeral directors is available to help 24 hours a day to help you add the personal touches that celebrate their life.

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Funeral Services

No matter if you want to honor your loved one with a casual ceremony or a formal one, our services allow all attending the service to express their heartfelt gratitude for the part their loved one played in shaping their life.

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Cremation Services

We provided memorial service options for loved ones who choose cremation over a traditional burial.  All of our cremation services include assistance with the permanent placement of the urn at a cemetery or columbarium.

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